Make Magazin Deutschland
Is it only waste, or could it be art? In times of economic downfalls and waste exportation, creative reuse centers offer an alternative to recycling.
This article, written in German, describes the solutions to excess waste and landfill that creative reuse centers offer. This article features three organizations Scrap in Portland, Oregon; Kunst-Stoffe in Berlin, Germany; and Materials for the Arts in Queens, New York.
Vom Abfall zum Einfall dank Creative Reuse Center
Vom Abfall zum Einfall dank Creative Reuse Center Materials for the Arts in New York Was man braucht, um ein eigenes Creative Reuse Center aufzubauen Artikel in Make Magazin 1/2020 lesen Kaum betritt man den Kunst-Stoffe-Laden, flitzen schon die Ideen rein. Eine Pappkiste mit leeren Diarahmen.